Unlocking Memory and Cognitive Improvement: Temprana Neuro Reflex Therapy for Elderly
In a world where the effects of acquired brain injuries and cognitive decline can be devastating, a ray of hope has emerged. Just two weeks ago, I had the privilege of working with a family facing the challenges of Dementia. Through the power of Temprana Neuro Reflex Therapy, we witnessed the remarkable transformation of their […]
Muscular Dystrophy: the Truth
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy? Here is what I found out: The real meaning ‘Trophy’ means ‘food’ or ‘nourishment’ in Greek; ‘dys’ signifies ‘difficult’ or problematic’, “bad, ill, abnormal”. So ‘muscular dystrophy’ simply means that ‘nourishment to the muscle tissue is being problematic or not going well’. ‘A-trophy’ simply means […]
The beginning of the story
The beginning of the story Gabrillian is born on the 17/08/12, it was a caesarean …He is born at 8 am and I got to hold him in my arms only at 5 pm, the doctors didn’t explain me anything, I was worried…Gabrillian got under various machine to open his lungs, for the jaundice….This was […]
How I changed my son’s life going from a 2 years old boy with MD with clear Gower signs to a 5 years old boy able to ride a bicycle…
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy? Secret 1 I changed my way of thinking and wrote clear goals!!! Gabrillian was 2 years old when he started to walk even thought he kept falling…Few months later, I was announced by the director paediatrician of Bourgoin Hospital , France, that Gabrillian would need to […]
How I improved my son’s immune system with an appropriate diet
How I improved my son’s immune system with an appropriate diet I used to get so frustrated with Gabrillian’s immune system as soon as he was getting better , he was getting sick again …A simple flu needed more than 2 weeks to heal and recover… And of course , doctors used to always prescribed […]
Is Muscular Dystrophy, a malnutrition problem?
“All diseases start in the Gut” Hippocrates The first time , I heard about this, I was sitting in an Ayurveda training class. Sachin, the ayurvedic teacher was saying that : “if Sleep and Diet are ok, it’s already 50% cured”! He continued by saying that all diseases are consequences of a wrong diet and […]
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy?
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy? The First Step is to heal the Gut! Why this step? When I asked Dr Raj, the detoxification expert :”Now we are treating the leaky gut ?” He answered me :”Yes that’s what we need to do first, detoxification is then very easy…All the World […]