Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X!

Introducing Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X

For parents who want to see their son with Muscular Dystrophy live a long, independent life…

Recent Evidence Reveals Industry Shaking Results… Just 75 Minutes Per Day From Home With This Holistic, Non-Invasive Plan… Children With Muscular Dystrophy Are Gaining Strength, Straightening Posture, Walking, and Living Independent Lives!

My Son Gabrillian, With Muscular Dystrophy NOT ONLY Can Walk, Run & Remain FULLY Autonomous At 12 Years Old… But He’s Able To Play Soccer With His Friends Every Thursday And Sunday Afternoon

Young boy with muscular dystrophy smiling while playing sports, showcasing flexibility and health despite diagnosis.

I still remember the compassion in the doctor’s eyes when he told us, “I would advise you to seek psychological support. Many parents often need it.”


At that time, I was a bit confused. Is Gabrillian’s case that serious?


When they told us what they believed he had, I didn’t know what the implications of it were just yet. And I couldn’t open my mouth to ask…


On the drive home, I used my mother’s phone to research what the doctors had suspected.


Spinal Muscular Dystrophy Type l or lll.


I collapsed. I felt hopeless. As any mother would. Not sure what to do. I felt confined by the potential reality of my son’s future.


Confined to just watch, knowing the unbearable truth…


I will outlive my precious boy.


Ultimately, I felt like the doctors told me to just sign off on Gabrillian’s death certificate…


I’ve spent the nights crying myself to sleep wishing this wasn’t true.


Crying out to God yelling, ‘Why me?! Why are you so cruel?!’


For almost a year! Until…


Instead of yelling at God, I began to ask…


What if I could help my son not just slow the progression of MD, but actually help him build muscle, improve posture, and maintain his ability to walk?


And what if I could do it all naturally, without these risky medications or invasive procedures that both scare me (and him) and aren’t generating positive results?


So, after that YEAR of feeling stuck, I decided to further my education and dedicate myself to giving my son the best quality of life I possibly could.


And, I found it! Now, I am REALLY excited to share it with you so you can do the same!


So, that you and your son can have the same uplifting feeling and joy for life!


Because as the headline states… 10 years after that year of sorrow, he’s out playing soccer with his friends and fully autonomous!



So… HOW? Well, in my search, I found 4 MAJOR CLUES proving to release children from the grasp of Muscular Dystrophy. 


I’ll share them with you along with the SHOCKING facts and fiction of this condition.


But first let’s look at some evidence I found along the way…

Portrait of Clementine Ynna, founder of 'Me, My Son, and Muscular Dystrophy,' smiling warmly, wither her young son, embodying hope and resilience.

Several Studies Have Shown… These 3 Holistic And Simple At Home Methods Are Having A ‘Profound Impact’ On Children With Degenerative Diseases

Even more serious conditions such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.


No needles, no drugs, no invasive procedures and NO expensive home equipment that sets families back financially for decades.


In fact, just ONE of these methods allowed a 21 year old patient named Abdullah, to regain the ability to move, crawl and talk after a DECADE of silence and being bedridden with spasticity from muscular dystrophy.


After 6 months of treatment (done by his family at home) for just a little over an hour a day…


Abdullah showed NO SIGNS of his autistic behavior and even began to accomplish light exercises on his own!


Abdullah’s 11 year old brother Hussein – also diagnosed with muscular dystrophy – could not walk or crawl before treatment.


With the same treatment and time frame of 6 months, Hussein was able to get up on his own and walk unattended!

This method alone has been proven to greatly diminish the progressive effects of muscular dystrophy.


They’ve seen it with numerous other patients around the world!


And that’s just one of the three…


Harvard Medical released their study on the effects of a separate holistic method I use…

Image of a Temprana Reflex Rehabilitation session, showcasing therapy techniques for muscular dystrophy patients, enhancing motor skills and coordination.

And the result from over 100 patients was a 79% DECREASE in disability rating and a 31% DECREASE on their pain scale.


In just TWO MONTHS of this simple at home treatment that a parent can lead.


Plus, 100% of patients recorded the treatment to be ‘very easy’ to accomplish.


No frequent doctor visits. No bank breaking drugs. No home remodeling with mobility equipment, no big scary needles… 


Just essentially quality time with your child!


These two methods inspired me with great hope! Seeing this, I knew I could improve Gabrillian’s mobility, cognitive function, attention AND reduce the amount of pain he was experiencing!


So, I traveled to several countries to work with the best healers, doctors and specialists to learn these methods.


Then I tied them with my education and background to begin treatments on Gabrillian!


And, well, you already know the results!

So, what does this all mean?

Your Child Can Break Free From The Shackles of MD & Make Astonishing Progress
With Each Passing Day!

Watching them growing stronger, more energetic, and rediscovering the joy of easily moving on their own.


Becoming more independent, confidently making their way to the breakfast table each morning with a smile on their face.


The relief of regular bowel movements and the excitement of seeing your child’s focus and concentration significantly improve.


Watching as their spine and posture begin to straighten in just a few short weeks. Almost like magic! Standing and walking tall with confidence! Just like this…

Before and after images illustrating significant spine alignment improvements in a child with muscular dystrophy, achieved through the 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X' program.

All in just 75 minutes a day with non-invasive, holistic treatments that you can do yourself AT HOME. 


Yes, YOU have the power to make this a reality for your child. 


YOU can be the catalyst for their transformation! Helping them…

To not just stop the regression of MD…


But, imagine seeing your child begin to progress with strength and energy each day!


Being able to walk, run and jump!

Just like this!

Even play soccer! 


Yes! As I’m writing this, my 12 year old son with MD is playing soccer in the yard!

Now, let me introduce myself A little more.

I’m Clementine Ynna

I am the Developer of Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X, Author of ‘Me, My Son And Muscular Dystrophy’, a Neuro Reflex specialist, Muscular Dystrophy expert and speaker from France.

Portrait of Clementine Ynna, founder of 'Me, My Son, and Muscular Dystrophy,' smiling warmly, embodying hope and resilience.

After learning the news of my son’s condition, I was devastated… 


And after feeling helpless, I decided to not give up finding ways to improve the quality of my son’s life. 


Holding a Masters degree in Natural Eastern therapies such as Acupressure, Ayurveda and Reflexology from Peyrefitte University in France. 


Also a degree in Herbalism, and a Temprana Rehabilitation instructor from IRFI Lone Sorensen, Barcelona, Spain…


I continuously undertook the exploration of ancient traditions and any other means necessary to find out the Real Truth about Muscular Dystrophy.


And with the help of the best healers, physicians and specialists in the industry… 


I continued to find solutions to dramatically slowing down this degenerative disease. 


Those intensive researches led me to unique discoveries and techniques from the latest advances in Neuroscience, Quantum physics and Epigenetics.


And against all odds and modern medical practice… 


Today my son can walk, jump, run and even play soccer with his friends!


From these results, I have been invited for many lectures and interviews to explain what I have done to halt the “genetic dis-order” of my son. 


Today, as a neuro reflex and muscular dystrophy specialist, I am avidly training parents around the world to empower their children using natural, proven, effective and non-invasive methods.


Allowing these children to live a strong, autonomous life with this incredible program!


Now, here is the program…

The EXTREMELY Easy & Effective 3 Step Program, Allowing Parents to TRULY GIFT Their Child A Long, Autonomous Future!

Image showcasing 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' gifting your child with mobility autonomy for years to come.

This is the Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X Program… 


The 3-step holistic system that’s empowering boys with Muscular Dystrophy to defy the odds and make their dreaded diagnosis become total miscalculation. 


This program targets the root causes of Muscular Dystrophy with a unique combination of…

The result? Boys who were destined for wheelchairs are now…

Best of all, they’re maintaining their independence and living life on their own terms.

All in just 75 minutes per day…


What’s even better! Every parent can quickly learn these techniques.


Every parent can implement the nutritional and supplement guidelines. Don’t worry, you will have all the easy to follow lists of supplements and recipes for a Foolproof diet plan!


Every parent can quickly learn these muscle stimulation techniques. 


It’s really simple! You’ll have the step-by-step videos to walk you through EVERYTHING you need to know to dramatically help your boy with this condition!


AND! There are even videos to help you overcome picky eaters and stubbornness. 😉


So RIGHT NOW, you can help your son achieve life-changing results from the comfort of your home.


And the comfort of his own mom or dad!


Imagine the pride and joy of watching your boy grow stronger each day. 


Seeing him keep up with friends, excel in school, and pursue his passions with far less limitations.


To be able to play soccer in the backyard. To play catch with his father. 


Getting himself out of bed each morning and meeting you at the table for breakfast. 


That’s the future for the children working with the Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X Program.


That’s the future that you can help create for your child.

Now, As You Can Imagine…

These programs separately usually cost SEVERAL thousands of dollars.


For me to learn them (including my schooling) was well over $100,000.


So, the usual price for this full 3-step program is $14,997.


And many parents have paid that happily…


But I don’t want to do that, my mission is to help parents escape the feeling of hopelessness.


To help children live a life on their terms. To be able to stand tall, walk on their own, even play soccer!


To not be confined to a wheelchair and a bed. Doomed to a tragic fate far too soon…


NO ONE deserves that.

So, I DON'T want to charge $14,997.

Frankly, I don’t want to charge you $4,997.


I want you to have this FULL 3-Step program TODAY!…


For a FRACTION of what it costs.


If you have a child with Muscular Dystrophy or another degenerative disease, I want this in your hands! 


Because as I stated in the video…


Each time I work with a client, or see a child deteriorating from MD. I relive my personal experience with Gabrillian.


I want EVERY CHILD to have the future that I know Gabrillian will have.


So, for TODAY. This FULL 3-Step process is yours for just $1,497…

That’s it. All of my knowledge from over a DECADE of schooling, experience and working with top specialists around the world!


To have…

Includes, Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X – Grocery Lists,  Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X – Diet & Meal Preparation, Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X – Full Scale Health Reset, Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X – Whole Health, Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X –  Temprana Stimulation School, and Muscular Dystrophy No More4X – Expert Insider

Image showcasing Grocery Lists in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing a no brainer shopping list.

Grocery Lists

All of my laid out grocery lists telling you EXACTLY what to buy, how to read the labels and what to AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

Image showcasing Diet & Meal Preparation in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing a simplified guide.

Diet & Meal Preparation

The proper diet and meal preparation to begin replenishing cells and growing muscles.

Image showcasing Full Scale Health Reset in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing Detoxification Guide.

Full Scale Health Reset

The detoxification plan that will cleanse your son’s body from harmful toxins and how to keep his body at peak health moving forward!

Image showcasing Whole Health in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing Supplements Guide.

Whole Health

Supplement guides and a FULL list of what he needs to be taking to replenish the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that he is deficient in

Image showcasing Temprana Stimulation School in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing Tutorials to Master Mobility.

Temprana Stimulation School

Step-by-step tutorials on how to administer the Temprana stimulation practices and exercises to retrain his brain, body and straighten his posture. So that he begins to walk, run, jump and be able to FOCUS in school. Even have regular bowel movements!

Image showcasing Expert Insider in 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' showcasing Tips and Tricks.

Expert Insider

Tips and tricks to overcome picky eaters and difficult behavior.

Yes, ALL THAT For Just $1,497!

So when you’re ready to move beyond the common MD story…


When you’re ready to empower your son to reach heights and ages you may have never thought possible…


When you’re ready to fill your home with joy and laughter instead of priceless robotic equipment… Click below to get started.


I have no doubt it will be the best money you ever spend. (the best part is, it’s less than one doctor visit).


I absolutely loved my 75 minute routine with Gabrilian. It brought us so close together. And Numerous other parents feel the same way. 


When the results start becoming obvious in a few short weeks, this becomes FUN!

Only a One-Time Payment of $1497!

Earlier, I told you this program will get to the ROOT CAUSE of Muscular Dystrophy and I told you about the CLUES I found separating fact from fiction. 


And how this program is DIFFERENT from ANYTHING else available…


And I will explain. But before I go further…

I want you to meet Natalie and her son Ravion, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

When I first met them, Ravion was 11 years old.


At that time, he was in a wheelchair and hadn’t walked for 9 months.


He was rapidly losing weight and not having bowel movements for up to 6 days at a time.


Down to 51 pounds and having trouble with anxiety, acting out, and not breathing properly or sleeping well at night.


Early on in the treatment, 10 minutes of swimming was very difficult for him.


So after a few assessments, we started treatment. And in just a few months after Natalie learned the treatments in this program…

Ravion Gained 12 Pounds of Healthy Muscle!

He went from not having a bowel movement for up to 6 days at a time, to having at least one movement every day! 


His anxiety and acting out was SIGNIFICANTLY diminished and he began easily sleeping throughout the night!


Plus, he could swim for more than 4 hours at a time without feeling tired!


Ravion still has a little ways to go, but with just 75 minutes a day from his mother Natalie…


He is gaining back his health and independence!

How?? Well…

Here’s Why My 3-Step Treatment System Is Producing Results & Giving Boys With MD Their Life Back!

From years and years of research and countless studies, the connection between malnutrition and muscular dystrophy is clear (more on this in the ‘clues’ section below).


We have seen the results of these three holistic treatments DRAMATICALLY improve this condition. 


But, nobody has conjoined them all together for an effective treatment available to the public.

Until Now

This program was first administered to my Gabrillian. So, I speak from experience and first hand results.


I’ve tried countless diets, supplements, exercises, stimulation techniques… you name it… 


And now, I’ve found the golden combination to create rapid ‘back to the soccer field’ improvement.


And after recommending it to other parents who had similar results…


I knew this is the VITAL component to treating MD!


Here’s why…

The Guide to PROPERLY detoxify the body from harmful and unnecessary toxins.

MD patients usually have a ‘higher than normal’ level of toxins and heavy metals in their system. There is a PROPER way to safely and effectively cleanse the body to begin regenerating muscle!


How to rebuild the gut to actually accept supplements.

The gut bacteria in patients is usually far from optimal. And with drugs, it only gets worse. You may have heard this before… A healthy gut is a healthy body.


I walk you through PRECISELY how to do this. Without rebuilding the gut bacteria, even taking the proper supplements and following the proper diet will not be effective. That will just lead to mucus build up and possibly creating a bigger problem.


This leads to significant improvement in digestion, immune system, and anxiety level within the first few weeks! Just like Ravion, your son will begin having regular bowel movements and have more energy!


You will have a laid out supplement guide

That tells you exactly what to give your child everyday so they can replenish all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids they are deficient in. Allowing their body to naturally rebuild itself.


Plus the proper way to take supplements for maximum absorption!


The exact recipes and shopping list to replenish nutrition and regenerative cells.

No guesswork, no stress. Just follow the instructions, read the labels (I’ll tell you what to avoid) and follow the recipes for a truly healthy diet that gives your boy everything he needs!


Temprana Reflexology Method.

This is the face, hands and feet stimulation method used to ‘rewire’ the brain. This method ALONE has helped thousands of children walk, run and even jump again! I walk you through step-by-step on precisely how to administer this to your son.

All this will take is just 75 MINUTES PER DAY!


And after just a few weeks, you’ll notice major improvements in the mobility and energy level, stabilization of body weight and positive attitude!


This is what is truly separating The Muscular Dystrophy NO More 4X Program apart from everything else!


Let’s Take A Look At The 4 Clues I Found Along The Way Proving We Can Release Your Son From The Grasp of Muscular Dystrophy

Clue One… What ‘Dystrophy’ Really Is…

Simply put, Muscular Dystrophy can be described as ‘underfed’ body cells, or poor nutrition to the muscles.


Now, it may have a ‘genetic’ component. But contrary to popular belief, it is heavily impacted by ‘epigenetic’ treatments. 


‘Epigenetic’ means that behavior, environment and holistic approaches can affect how our body reads and uses our DNA. Or in simpler terms, the condition is significantly impacted by other aspects and treatments. 


A 2014 study conducted by, S. Consalvi, V. Saccone, C. Mozzetta, and supported by Harvard, has shown evidence in promoting muscle regeneration and preventing muscle degeneration in dystrophic mice. 


This study highlights using ‘epigenetic’ treatments to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), suggesting an epigenetic component to the disease


Which supports the idea that epigenetic mechanisms play a crucial role in the progression of muscular dystrophies. 


They were able to counteract muscle degeneration, emphasizing the link between genetic mutations and downstream epigenetic events.


Furthermore… Dr. Joel Wallach found a common link between affected young males, and it was not simply a ‘faulty’ X chromosome…


Starting his career as veterinarian, Dr. Wallach knew that diseases such as muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis within animals were easily curable


However, these same diseases within humans were not being cured…


So, he dove into this further. He wanted to discover if we can produce the same results we see with animals…


To find if there was some sort of ‘trigger’ or other reasoning that spawned this illness instead of simply genetics.


And what he found was astonishing

Areas with Selenium Deficient Soil Led to Higher Rates of Muscular Dystrophy

Animals and children who were suffering from MD were missing crucial minerals and nutrients in their system.


Most notably selenium and other trace minerals that were not given to them during pregnancy or early on in life.


Plus having ‘Higher Than Normal’ toxicity levels from metals… (more on that in a moment)


Through NO FAULT of the mother. Just the accessible food and water was deficient in crucial vitamins, amino acids and minerals.


And these vitamins and minerals are not being replenished with modern treatments, drugs or diets for MD patients (another study confirmed that adults with muscular dystrophy were lacking in vital proteins and minerals compared to non affected adults)


Dr. Wallach knew these minerals and nutrients were imperative for muscle health, cell regeneration and overall well being from a study conducted by D. C. Maplesden and J. K. Loosli, that proved…

Selenium and vitamin E (tocopherol) supplementation PREVENTED muscular dystrophy in calves.

So, he figured adding these vitamins and minerals to the diet of boys with MD may significantly help them.


And it did…


Adding these trace minerals and vitamins to the diet began making a noticeable impact.


I added this nutrition instruction to the regiment with Gabrillian, and the results were INCREDIBLE.

He became stronger.


Began gaining weight. 


Having FAR more energy.


FAR more immunity.


His body started to HELP him instead of continuing to deteriorate!

Clue Two… Detoxification

There Is Strong Evidence Linking High Levels of Heavy Metals, Toxins, and Vaccines to Muscular Dystrophy

According to a 2013 study conducted by, Dr Rashmi Verma and Pratima Rani Dwivedi, long-term exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium can lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes. 


Heavy metal toxicity can cause damage to central nervous function, lower energy levels, and lead to muscle and neurological degeneration. 


These heavy metals are found in many places such as water, vaccines and food unknown to us as the consumer


Which is the ‘epigenetic’ factor I spoke of earlier….


When conducting an experiment with rats, they found that when exposed to lead and thallium, the rats showed increased muscle damage, indicated by ragged red fibers and changes in enzymatic activity of muscle fibers. 


Suggesting that detoxification from heavy metals and other toxins found in many people and animals could significantly reduce muscle damage and improve muscle health.


Monitoring and reducing exposure to these substances is proving crucial in managing and preventing related health issues.

Detoxification from Heavy Metals and its Impact on Muscular Dystrophy Symptoms

Using a detoxification process with specific medicinal herbs and natural supplements can significantly reduce symptoms of muscular dystrophy


These methods help in mitigating oxidative stress, reducing muscle damage, and improving overall muscle health.


In the Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X program, we begin with a proven detoxification process aimed to extract all harmful toxins from the body…


This process takes around a week. And after, children begin taking measurable strides with muscle health and cognitive function.


From there we begin the proper diet and supplement plan for muscular, cognitive health and cell regeneration.

Clue Three… Diet

The Implications of Diet & Why it is CRUCIAL to Follow The Proper Plan

Boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy often suffer from malnutrition, characterized by delayed growth, short stature, muscle wasting, and increased fat mass.


In a study conducted by; B. Motlagh, J. Macdonald, M. Tarnopolsky, they found that >patients with muscular dystrophy often have inadequate nutrient intake of protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals. 


This study indicates the clinical implications of not meeting dietary recommendations for muscular dystrophy patients.


Which is the unfortunate reality with modern treatments… 


Furthermore, they found that vitamin E deficiency leads to oxidative damage contributing to muscular dystrophy.


The 75 minute per day routine within the Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X program will clearly outline the proper vitamins, nutrients, minerals and amino acids NEEDED for the health of your child.


This has been ANOTHER MAJOR catalyst to Gabrillian’s well-being.

Clue Four… Temprana Reflexology Stimulation

Neurologists Observed The Brain Light Up "Like A Christmas Tree" During A Groundbreaking Research Project Aimed At Seeing How Reflexology Affects The Brain.

In the “Neural Pathways of Applied Reflexology” research project, even the most skeptical scientists from the team were stunned after analyzing data from thousands of brain scans performed during foot reflexology treatments.


This study not only changes the way we see reflexology, it changes our view of how the human body works.” Kevin Kunz, Reflexologist.


Studies have shown that MUCH MORE happens during reflexology treatment than was previously thought.


Here’s the even more miraculous part…


This study was ONLY stimulating the feet of the patients.


Here is a brain scan showing the effects Temprana Foot Reflexology had on a patient’s brain.

The Temprana Method we use in Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X Is EVEN MORE Powerful as it is directly stimulating the head.


As I mentioned with Abdullah and Hussein above! 


In 6 months, their progress was not only ‘MIRACULOUS’, it was industry shaking!

Image of a results on the brain using Temprana Reflex Rehabilitation sessions, showcasing therapy techniques for muscular dystrophy patients, enhancing motor skills and coordination.

It’s Time To Gift Your Child With Mobility And Autonomy For Years To Come!

With the 4 clues gone through showing how I came across all this knowledge. 


I have created clear effective strategies that have not only helped Gabrillian…


But many other children around the world regain the ability to…

Walk unassisted after years of being bedridden

Be able to speak again after over a decade of silence

Have regular bowel movements after only having one for up to 6 days at a time

Significantly reduce ADHD and ADD behaviors allowing them to be calm, focused, less distracted and less disobedient.

Begin gaining healthy muscle again

Have far greater immunity and a healthy gut

Have straighter posture

Lower the amount of fat in the body and raise the amount of lean muscle

All in just a few months with 75 minutes per day of at home treatment. That can easily be administered BY YOU.

The time to act IS NOW.

First of all, I am practically giving Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X  away at $1,497 and I’m not sure how long I can do that for…


This is a touchy subject that many people won’t like that it’s available…


Image showcasing 'Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X,' gifting your child with mobility autonomy for years to come.

When you are serious about doing EVERYTHING you possibly can for your boy…


When you are adamant on his ability to walk and remain autonomous well into adulthood.


To feel normal and be able to meet with friends on his own, have a straight posture and keep his focus on tasks.


To have a healthy body that is regenerating itself and helping him thrive!


So that you can spend each day with tears of joy instead of tears of sorrow…


Then, DON’T WAIT ANOTHER MOMENT to secure that future for him! For your family!


As I’ve said, it’s cost me over $100,000 (probably much more, I lost count) and over a DECADE of my life to discover this. And I can tell you THAT IT’S THE GREATEST MONEY AND TIME I’VE EVER SPENT!

And ALL of this can be yours for a simple ONE-TIME payment of $1,497!

THAT’S IT! No strings attached. Just check out, go through the training and begin your 75 minute per day routine with Muscular Dystrophy No More 4X!


And begin loving life and looking forward to the future instead of dreading the inevitable.


Time is of the essence. Click below to gain FOREVER access! And once you do, I’ll always be just an email away!


Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to meeting you!


With love,


Clementine Ynna.

Disclaimer for the Muscular Dystrophy No More Program

The information provided by the “Muscular Dystrophy No More Program” including all written materials, techniques, and concepts, is for educational and therapeutic purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease.

The content is not meant to serve as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment but more as a supplement , helping parents and caregivers in managing specific conditions through specialized training at home. It is strongly recommended that any changes to your health, nutrition, or exercise regimen be reviewed and approved by a licensed healthcare professional before implementation.

The founder of the “Muscular Dystrophy No More Program” assume no responsibility for personal choices or actions taken based on the information provided. Users are encouraged to make informed decisions in consultation with a licensed healthcare provider. None of the statements on our website have been evaluated by ANSES, the Food & Drug

Administration (FDA), or the American Medical Association (AMA). Results from following the program may vary depending on individual conditions and the level of commitment from the participants.

By using our materials and guidance, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to ensure any health-related practices are approved by a licensed healthcare professional familiar with your individual health history and current health status.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.