Ce livre appartient aux parents qui cherchent désespérément une réponse pour la condition de leur enfant…
Nominé « Meilleur Inspiration » avant même son lancement officiel, « Mon fils, Moi et la Dystrophie Musculaire » n’est pas seulement une histoire touchante d’une femme désespérée de donner à son fils la qualité de vie qu’il mérite…
C’est une carte concrète pour les mères qui se trouvent dans la position douloureuse de voir leur fils se détériorer à cause de cette terrible maladie.
Ce livre offre espoir, courage et connaissances inestimables aux parents pour qu’ils puissent également accomplir cet exploit et donner à leur enfant une véritable indépendance.
Ce livre appartient aux parents qui cherchent désespérément une réponse pour la condition de leur enfant.
Aux parents qui sont prêts à délier les faits de la fiction sur la maladie que leurs enfants affrontent.
Et aux parents qui sont prêts à tout pour donner à leur enfant l’avenir qu’il mérite.
Un avenir avec une posture droite, un corps flexible, et une mobilité et autonomie durable .
Un avenir positif et des décennies de projets à attendre avec impatience.
– Mark Anastasi, author of the New York Times Bestseller The Laptop Millionaire
– Shane Wolfe, Father of Son with MD
– Lone Sorensen, Owner of the International Institute of Reflex therapy
– Peter Sage, Best Selling Author and Founder of Sage Academy
– Paul O Mahony, CEO of Rethink Academy
“Get this book it’s an incredible read of a determined mother to find a cure for her child. The up and downs, the struggles. Self awareness the battles. And finally a resolution. This book gave me confirmation and affirm my journey for my cure. Great work Clementine best to you and Gabrillian.”
– Leon B Martin
“At first, I had trouble understanding Clémentine’s approach. I thought she was in denial about Gabrillan’s illness, refusing to believe that it couldn’t be cured. As a nurse, I had the opportunity to speak with doctors who confirmed that there were no real treatments, only devices to help Gaby walk.
But Clémentine didn’t want to hear any of it; she remained convinced that she could heal her son. So she began traveling the world in search of treatments and solutions. That’s how she finally found specialists who told her they could help Gaby.
Then she started training in many disciplines to best help her son. Since then, not only does Gaby not need any devices, but he has also made enormous progress and continues to do so.
This book recounts all the steps that allowed them to get there, as well as all the battles they had to fight. I truly hope that their story, their victory, will benefit other children and families and that they will see it as a real source of hope!”
– Justine Ynna, Nurse
“Several times while reading Clementine Ynna’s new book about her and her son’s fight against medical prejudices associated with Muscular Dystrophy, Clementine’s journey resonated deeply with my own experience over 40 years ago, navigating my son’s condition. Only a mother, driven by unconditional love for her sick child, truly comprehends the depth of that struggle… Thank you, Clementine. Your book is truly invaluable and deserving of attention when it is soon ready in English! Wishing you all the best for the future ❤️”
– Lone Sorensen, Founder – International Institute of Neuro Reflex Therapy
“This is a book that could help many families who have children in similar cases to Gabrillian. Clementine was brave enough not to go to allopathic doctors who advised her to do very heavy treatments which risked degrading Gabrillian’s health.
She learned a lot, she was very self-taught, she did a lot of research, and today this little boy who had little chance of having a normal life… I see him running, playing with the ball, swimming, laughing with his friends and having a normal life for a child of his age. I think the story is very touching and will allow other families to find the courage to fight against a disease that has solutions.”
I really hope you will be curious to read this book, which is really worth being shared. Whether you are concerned or not by this disease, it can help a lot of people.”
– Emilie Dédinger