Unlocking Memory and Cognitive Improvement: Temprana Neuro Reflex Therapy for Elderly
In a world where the effects of acquired brain injuries and cognitive decline can be devastating, a ray of hope has emerged. Just two weeks ago, I had the privilege of working with a family facing the challenges of Dementia. Through the power of Temprana Neuro Reflex Therapy, we witnessed the remarkable transformation of their […]
Success with Neurological Symptoms from Peri-Menopause
Success with Neurological Symptoms from Peri-Menopause Share Marnie used to have lower back pain with numbness and pins and needles in arms, hot flushes, skin disorders, digestive issues, bad mood swings that goes from aggressive to depressive state . An hormonal test and manual assessment of neurological areas were performed to find the glands out […]
Mary with fibromyalgia, talking about her results with Clementine Tsvetanov, Neuro Reflex specialist
Mary with fibromyalgia, talking about her resultswith Clementine Tsvetanov, Neuro Reflex specialist https://youtu.be/kf23UbVeuoo Mary with Fibromyalgia is talking about her results with Neuro Reflex therapies and Bio regulation therapies. She is now able to walk again, she has regain energy and feel happy and confident about the future ! Share
How I improved by 65% the muscle strenght and health of my son born with Muscular Dystrophy
How I improved by 65% the muscle strenght and health of my son born with Muscular Dystrophy Clementine Tsvetanov, Muscular Dystrophy Expert and mother of a 9 years old boy born with Muscular Dystrophy explains about one of the specific technique she uses to rehabilitate her son and her fantastic results !Today, her son is […]
A mother of 11 years old boy with Duchenne talks about her results with Clementine Tsvetanov
A mother of 11 years old boy with Duchenne talks about her results with Clementine Tsvetanov From 51 lbs to more than 63 lbs ! From not having a bowel movement to up than 6 days to 1 movement every day! From anxiety, no breathing properly to peaceful sleep ! From fatigue after 10 minutes […]
Muscular Dystrophy Recovery
Muscular Dystrophy Recovery The journey with my son. From not having impulses to jump, loosing balance, legs going outwards , falling down TO being able to walk with ease, jump, run and feeling confident and happy. Share
Muscular Dystrophy: the Truth
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy? Here is what I found out: The real meaning ‘Trophy’ means ‘food’ or ‘nourishment’ in Greek; ‘dys’ signifies ‘difficult’ or problematic’, “bad, ill, abnormal”. So ‘muscular dystrophy’ simply means that ‘nourishment to the muscle tissue is being problematic or not going well’. ‘A-trophy’ simply means […]
The beginning of the story
The beginning of the story Gabrillian is born on the 17/08/12, it was a caesarean …He is born at 8 am and I got to hold him in my arms only at 5 pm, the doctors didn’t explain me anything, I was worried…Gabrillian got under various machine to open his lungs, for the jaundice….This was […]
How I changed my son’s life going from a 2 years old boy with MD with clear Gower signs to a 5 years old boy able to ride a bicycle…
What is the first step to reverse Muscular Dystrophy? Secret 1 I changed my way of thinking and wrote clear goals!!! Gabrillian was 2 years old when he started to walk even thought he kept falling…Few months later, I was announced by the director paediatrician of Bourgoin Hospital , France, that Gabrillian would need to […]
How I improved my son’s immune system with an appropriate diet
How I improved my son’s immune system with an appropriate diet I used to get so frustrated with Gabrillian’s immune system as soon as he was getting better , he was getting sick again …A simple flu needed more than 2 weeks to heal and recover… And of course , doctors used to always prescribed […]